Meditation Los Angeles

Month: July, 2013

Refugees of Mindfulness

Not my title, but a fascinating post re some of the risks of meditation – of interest to anyone new to meditation or introduced via mainstream psychology, MBSR, DBT, ACT, MBCT, etc.


It’s at the Aloha Dharma blog and is well worth a read!

Floss One Tooth

My 10 minutes a day meditation habit fills my mind with some dismissive thoughts, it’s true.

But in the vein of an injunction at Zen Habits, which I thought was brilliant, I am only committing to a minimum while I strengthen my habit. He said, for those trying to take up the habit of flossing, simply commit to flossing one tooth.

May seem trivial, but it’s not likely to be overwhelming, and one tooth may lead to another.

30 Days in a Row

That’s it. I would like that I be doing (which sounds very passive) longer sits, but am happy with the consistency for the time being.

First, lay down a habit.

I’ve been doing 10 minute meditations. Sometimes I decide which practice I’m going to do after I start, which is probably bad. Mostly it’s a mindfulness practice, lately more a focus on the breathe, that is to say, a concentration practice.

Nightstand Buddhists

If you’ve ever read that description and it cut you, you know who you are. If you’ve been imbibing of the McMindfulness, and imbibing deeply then you might have been lulled into the idea that you know something of mindfulness, Buddhism, both. You would be forgiven. If you’ve become comfortable with the terrain, are ready for a little more, why not try these links?

1. The Angry Asian Buddhist. Kind of self-explanatory. Written in America. Nice set of links, too.
2. Sujato’s Blog. I think he’s an Australian monk. Thoughtful, informed, well written.
3. Speculative Non-Buddhism. You have been warned! A group of academically inclined critics. This way to the rabbit hole.

I’m off to a quick meditation.

25 Days in a Row

Back in experiential mode, enjoying continuity in my practice at the moment. Often that means just a 10-minute sitting in the morning — lately with a focus on sound as the sensory data. It comes and goes, what is it? As much as I want to deepen this to 20 minutes and longer I am very satisfied just to be practicing regularly.


I’ve always felt that “Ideology is Stupid” is a good approach. I came across what I think is an incisive critique of the Secular Buddhism movement, as promulgated by Stephen Batchelor and others. Mind you, I’ve enjoyed several of Batchelor’s books very much. I’ve reread at least two of them with great enjoyment.

The critique goes something along the lines of — examine the faith that underlies even this secular Buddhism. Any faith tends toward viewing something as sacred, and as such, more valuable than other approaches. Better to be outright religious than hold some kind of fake non-religious stance. Not sure I agree wholeheartedly with that, but find this piece to be stimulating.

Worth a look. On the Faith of Secular Buddhists at Speculative Non-Buddhism.

It’s interesting to me because I think you can get caught between a McMindful approach (see previous post), which waters down and limits meditative practice to stress relief on the one hand, and a worshipping, religious, Buddha as great father (or belief in reincarnation, etc.) on the other hand.

20 Days in a Row

Been recommitting to my practice, and noticing differences. This practice can be rich.

Here are some interesting links regarding the mindfulness craze – the topic of meditation being co-opted, watered down, McMindfulness…

They are raw links, but they are all very much worth a read. Promise.

Meditation mcmindfulness links

Rejecting Scientistic and Post-Religious Buddhism